Tuesday, 13 August 2013

The Things & The Bunnies: Story 1

Far away in a distant land there lived a thing. There was a thing one and a thing two. Thing one wore only red things. Thing two always looked like thing one, so you could never tell them apart and they were forever getting into trouble. The key to their success was their matching rings. The rings made them laugh the exact same way. It was terribly confusing for the teachers at school, but highly useful when they took turns skipping class. One day thing one or at least we think it was him, ate a pie. He pulled it out from the sky, yes, where Thing one and two came from; nobody ever pays for groceries (they float or grow on trees) except carrots. This made life difficult for Tom who wanted to be Fred, but that is a story for another time. Yes, about the whole carrot thing - a bunny ate them all, but that bunny is dead now, so its ok. You would think that peace had been restored in their country, but it hadn’t. Quite unexpectedly, the bunnies were not all dead, one had survived and started to rebuild the forces and rearm for their revenge on those who had done this to them. The bunny decided it was the “things” fault. After all, they had always caused the most mischief. So the master bunny crafted a master ring. To those that the “things;” so the lord bunny poured all his malice and rage for the things into it and it poisoned his mind, through this ring. He finished his revenge.

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